certifying officer
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Автор: [ 03 окт 2008 09:38 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  certifying officer

как правильно перевести - certifying officer

Автор:  Cyprus Girl [ 06 окт 2008 09:25 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  Re: certifying officer


Автор:  tbhale20 [ 24 окт 2008 07:03 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  Re: certifying officer

It depends on how you mean it.

For example, an immigration officer or officer of the court would have a different title than notary public. Look at the context in which you are using the term “certifying officer.” Also be careful about confusing a notary public (who may or may not be an attorney or officer of the court), with someone who is an actual attorney.

Автор:  SunnyBunny [ 07 ноя 2008 07:57 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  Re: certifying officer

tbhale20 писал(а):
It depends on how you mean it.

For example, an immigration officer or officer of the court would have a different title than notary public. Look at the context in which you are using the term “certifying officer.” Also be careful about confusing a notary public (who may or may not be an attorney or officer of the court), with someone who is an actual attorney.

Хор инглиш у вас. :D

Автор:  Transl1 [ 13 ноя 2008 11:23 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  Re: certifying officer

Поскольку certifying officer - это не обязательно нотариус, предлагаю вариант "должностное лицо с правом заверения".

Автор:  The Don [ 13 ноя 2008 17:11 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  Re: certifying officer

Dear tbhale20,

Many Russian lawyers do not know the difference between Russian notary in RF and Notary public in the US.

So be so kind to clarify the issue.

Автор:  The Don [ 13 ноя 2008 17:20 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  Re: certifying officer

Dear tbhale20,

Many Russian lawyers do not know the difference between Russian notary in RF and Notary public in the US.

So be so kind to clarify the issue.

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