Помогите разобраться, плз
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Автор:  ivanovich [ 17 июн 2010 15:24 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  Помогите разобраться, плз

коллеги, помогите разобраться с правовой природой такой вот иностранной бумаги. банкирам предлагаю ее подписать по свифту МТ799 в адрес какого-то заграничного банка (финансового инстутута). Очень интересует возможность возникновения какого-либо гражданского обязательства по иностранному праву.

бумага следующая

client`s name
client`s adress
client`s account

ref.: account number and description of assets

we, bank XXX, hereby confirm with full bank responsibility ZZZ ltd is the registerd, legal and lawfull owner of the below listed fund/assets:

(list, description and details of funds/assets)

we also confirm that mr. X as director of ZZZ ltd. is the fully authorized signatory, of the funds/assets own by ZZZ ltd. held in the account # ___ at Bank XXX and have a current market value of ______ USD.

We further confirm that these funds/assets are avaliable immediatly to be blocked in favour of an entity to be nominated, for a to be agreed to time period, via SWIFT MT799, and that we are prepared to transmit said MT799 upon our client`s request.

we hereby warrant and affirm that that above listed funds/assets are free, unencumbered, good clean and clear funds of non-criminal origin.

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