Как вариант, простая процедура.
6.5 DEADLOCK. In the event that the Managers are unable to agree on a
particular course of action for the Company and become deadlocked, they shall
immediately give notice of the deadlock to the Members. Within three business
days of receiving notice of the deadlock, each Member shall appoint two other
persons to serve as mediators to attempt to resolve the deadlock. If the
mediators are unable to resolve the deadlock within 15 business days of their
appointment, the Company shall proceed with dissolution pursuant to Section ___.
Кстати, взято с
http://contracts.onecle.com Там бесплатно. Можете поискать по слову deadlock, найдтеся много самых разных процедур - и опционные, и арбитражные, и смешанные.