* Есть по морской перевозке книга:
Shipping Law
Simon Baughen
4 edition
Publisher: Routledge-Cavendish
Language English
http://www.filesavr.com/baughenshippinglaw4ed2009И по морскому вообще:
** Modern Admiralty Law
Aleka Mandaraka-Sheppard
LLM, PhD, Solicitor
University College London
Director of the London Shipping Law Centre
1 ed.
year 2001
Publisher: Routledge-Cavendish
Language English
http://www.filesavr.com/modernadmiraltylaw1ed2001И классическая книга - старенькая, но годная:
*** Marine and Coastal Law. Cases and Materials
Dennis W. Nixon
1 ed.
Praeger Publishers
Language English
This book brings together the leading cases in United States marine and coastal law, thereby capturing both the historical development of the law and the most important contemporary cases of interest to the student and the practitioner. Conceptually, the book moves from the shore to the high seas, beginning with the foundations of coastal law and ending with recent marine pollution disasters.
Table of Contents:
Table of Cases
Ownership and Boundaries of Submerged Lands
The Public Trust Doctrine
Riparian Rights and the Navigational Servitude
Public Access to the Shoreline
Regulating Development in the Coastal Zone: The Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972
When Does Regulation Go Too Far? The Takings Issue
State Regulation of Fisheries and Indian Fishing Rights
Federal Regulation of Fisheries
Admiralty Law
Marine Pollution Law
http://www.filesavr.com/marineandcoasta ... s1ed1994_1