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 Заголовок сообщения: 30/03/2012 Adventures in Legal Interpreting: Translating Law
СообщениеДобавлено: 30 мар 2012 11:52 
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This Friday, March 30, 2012, at 19:00,

Pericles is pleased to present a free talk and discussion, in English, by Anatoly Beresnevich on

“Adventures in Legal Interpreting: Translating Lawyers in Russia for Twenty Years.”

Anatoly Beresnevich is one of Moscow's best known and most experienced Russian-English simultaneous legal interpreters.

His talk should be informative and inspirational for anyone interested in a career in legal interpreting, as he discusses old and new terminology, legal-political buzzwords, and the geography of Russian legalese. “Are we going out of business?” is one aspect of his talk, as we see more and more English fluency among Russian lawyers, and the role for interpreters changes and evolves to fit a more globalized legal environment.

The discussion will also be useful for any Russian or English speaking lawyer in a position to use interpreters. When can interpreters be useful in negotiations and meetings even if you speak the other side’s language? How should you work effectively with an interpreter when you are asked to give a speech that will be simultaneously translated? And how can you avoid making mistakes and look foolish when using interpreters, as seen through the eyes of the man who has seen every brilliance and every blooper in the business?

Finally, the discussion should interest all lawyers, as Anatoly’s talk, like his career, will span the development of law in Russia from the break up of the Soviet Union through modern times. Anatoly’s career itself is a chronology of the culture of legal changes (development of the first commodity exchange, the start of the rule of law ideal in Russia, the drafting of the new Constitution and the newly developed Criminal Procedure Code, and the biggest change of them all – the return of jury trials to Russia). He will discuss what it’s like to work as an interpreter through all this, and to be at the center of Russia’s relationships with so many different American and international agencies.

Anatoly Beresnevich was educated at Moscow Institute of Foreign Languages (Now Moscow State Linguistic University) in the 1980s and at the Columbia School of Journalism (1995). Starting professional life as an Intourist Guide in the 1980s, Anatoly found nothing but opportunity in the opening up of the U.S.S.R. to the West. He soon became a translator for U.S. News & World Report, then for the American Bar Association, and finally went freelance in 1996. Since then his career has taken him to simultaneous and consecutive interpreting and translating for the U.S. Embassy and multiple departments of the U.S. government, the British Embassy, the American Bar Association, the Ford Foundation, the Soros Foundation, the WTO, and the G8, as well as for private law firms. He became a specialist in simultaneously interpreting court sessions in Russia and America. He has interpreted at the Supreme Court and Constitutional Courts of Russia, as well as at the Supreme Court of Canada. He has also interpreted speeches at the World Bank (Washington, D.C.) the U.S. Department of Justice, and the U.S. Congress. He has worked for numerous ambassadors and statesmen, including such U.S. luminaries as Condoleeza Rice, and Dr. Henry Kissinger. And in all his work, Anatoly keeps a sense of humor and irony that engages and entertains. We hope his talk on Friday will do the same, and invite you all to attend.

To reserve a seat please go to http://www.pericles.ru/able/form.php

Pericles Able Project, Room 301
1st Miusskaya Ulitsa 22, building 3
Moscow , 125047
Russian Federation
If you have any questions concerning the event contact Mila Binder by phone 7-495-649-2273
or via e-mail mbinder@pericles.ru
We are looking forward to meeting you!

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