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 Заголовок сообщения: Pre-judgement measures of constraint - Обращение взыскания?
СообщениеДобавлено: 29 дек 2012 21:39 
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Зарегистрирован: 05 июл 2012 17:25
Сообщ.: 9
Господа, вопрос юридической терминологии и общих принципов права: является ли обращение взыскания на заложенное имущество (seizure of collateral) - pre-judgement measure of constraint (и по коммон ло и по континентал) ??
и где можно найти понятие pre-judgement measures of constraint по common law и континентальному праву и какие действия включаются в него ?

... и в сотый раз неблагополучно спас МИР

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Pre-judgement measures of constraint - Обращение взыскан
СообщениеДобавлено: 11 янв 2013 15:09 
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Зарегистрирован: 08 янв 2013 00:44
Сообщ.: 2
В английском праве понятие “pre-judgement measures” именуется как “interim remedies”. Перечень средств судебной защиты представлен в разделе 25 Правил гражданского судопроизводства (Civil Procedure Rules 1998). К ним относятся:

Rule 25.1 Orders for interim remedies
(1) The court may grant the following interim remedies—
(a) an interim injunction(GL);
(b) an interim declaration;
(c) an order—
(i) for the detention, custody or preservation of relevant property;
(ii) for the inspection of relevant property;
(iii) for the taking of a sample of relevant property;
(iv) for the carrying out of an experiment on or with relevant property;
(v) for the sale of relevant property which is of a perishable nature or which for any other good reason it is desirable to sell quickly; and
(vi) for the payment of income from relevant property until a claim is decided;
(d) an order authorising a person to enter any land or building in the possession of a party to the proceedings for the purposes of carrying out an order under sub-paragraph (c);
(e) an order under section 4 of the Torts (Interference with Goods) Act 1977 to deliver up goods;
(f) an order (referred to as a “freezing injunction(GL)”)—
(i) restraining a party from removing from the jurisdiction assets located there; or
(ii) restraining a party from dealing with any assets whether located within the jurisdiction or not;
(g) an order directing a party to provide information about the location of relevant property or assets or to provide information about relevant property or assets which are or may be the subject of an application for a freezing injunction(GL);
(h) an order (referred to as a “search order”) under section 7 of the Civil Procedure Act 1997 (order requiring a party to admit another party to premises for the purpose of preserving evidence etc);
(i) an order under section 33 of the [Senior Courts Act 1981] or section 52 of the County Courts Act 1984 (order for disclosure of documents or inspection of property before a claim has been made);
(j) an order under section 34 of the [Senior Courts Act 1981] or section 53 of the County Courts Act 1984 (order in certain proceedings for disclosure of documents or inspection of property against a non-party);
(k) an order (referred to as an order for interim payment) under rule 25.6 for payment by a defendant on account of any damages, debt or other sum (except costs) which the court may hold the defendant liable to pay;
(I) an order for a specified fund to be paid into court or otherwise secured, where there is a dispute over a party's right to the fund;
(m) an order permitting a party seeking to recover personal property to pay money into court pending the outcome of the proceedings and directing that, if he does so, the property shall be given up to him; . . .
(n) an order directing a party to prepare and file accounts relating to the dispute[;
(o) an order directing any account to be taken or inquiry to be made by the court][; and
(p) an order under Article 9 of Council Directive (EC) 2004/48 on the enforcement of intellectual property rights (order in intellectual property proceedings making the continuation of an alleged infringement subject to the lodging of guarantees)].

Заявление на выдачу судебного приказа/запрета может быть подано как до момента подачи иска и начала судопроизводства, так и в ходе судебного разбирательства. Суд может удовлетворить заявление на выдачу судебного приказа/запрета, поданное до момента подачи иска, только в том случае, если вопрос является срочным либо суд сочтет это целесообразным в интересах правосудия.

Чтобы ответить на Ваш вопрос касательно того, может ли в Вашем случае быть выдан судебный приказ на seizure of collateral до момента подачи иска, необходимо более подробное описание ситуации.

Я прохожу стажировку у солиситора в Лондоне, поэтому если Вам нужен профессиональный legal advice по этому или какому-либо иному вопросу английского права, обращайтесь.

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