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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: English law - scanned books
СообщениеДобавлено: 08 мар 2009 13:23 
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Forum's God
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Зарегистрирован: 19 янв 2007 11:23
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Откуда: Abendland
Коллеги, очень нужно для диссертации:

Joanna Benjamin. Interests in Securities: A Proprietary Law Analysis of the International Securities Markets. OUP. 2000.

Настолько нужно, что готов купить использованную за приемлемые деньги либо оплатить предоставление книги для копирования / отсканированную копию.

Заранее благодарен.

P.S. Уверен, что в библиотеках Ильфов и Рульфов данная книженция не может не иметься.

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СообщениеДобавлено: 27 мар 2009 00:24 
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Единственный минус - чтобы их скачать нужно зарегистрироваться. И у каждого архива есть пароль-englishtips.org

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: English law - scanned books
СообщениеДобавлено: 27 мар 2009 10:32 
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СообщениеДобавлено: 23 апр 2009 14:57 
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...А что-то, господа, перестали активно делиться

'All hope abandon ye who enter here'

'Есть у Джек Тара яхта и пес,
Дом на Суматре и личный матрос' (c) БенПоэт и любитель пивка

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: English law - scanned books
СообщениеДобавлено: 03 июн 2009 22:16 
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Зарегистрирован: 31 май 2007 22:27
Сообщ.: 1591
*Precontractual Liability in European Private Law
Series: The Common Core of European Private Law
Cambridge University Press
Edited by
John Cartwright
University of Oxford
Martijn Hesselink
Universiteit van Amsterdam

ISBN-13: 9780521516013

This volume analyses thirteen cases, from the perspective of sixteen national European legal systems, in order to explore the legal nature of the precontractual phase and the liability which may follow a break-off of precontractual negotiations. The precontractual phase is difficult to characterise and analyse in either legal or practical terms. The negotiating parties have begun their journey together, but they are not yet in the relationship – the contract – which is their aim. The negotiations may fail after a lengthy period in which either party may have incurred significant expenses and invested time and effort. The break-off of the negotiations may come as a shock to one party where the negotiations were far advanced, or at least where there was nothing to suggest that they were not likely to lead to their fruition in the contract. The disappointed party is therefore likely to seek a remedy.

• Written by sixteen national reporters, the reports focus on practical issues and provide ideal material for teaching and study • In-depth analysis by comparative law specialists from England and the Netherlands gives readers the view from the two European legal systems which have the most sharply differing approaches to the topic • Provides reliable data comparing the legal systems of the Member States, thereby contributing to the current academic and political debates on the Europeanisation of private law

Part I. Introduction John Cartwright and Martijn Hesselink; Part II. Case Studies: 1. Case 1: Negotiations for premises for a bookshop; 2. Case 2: Negotiations for renewal of a lease; 3. Case 3: Mistake about ownership of land to be sold; 4. Case 4: An architect's preparatory work for a contract which does not materialise; parallel negotiations; 5. Case 5: A broken engagement; 6. Case 6: An express lock-out agreement; 7. Case 7: The breakdown of merger negotiations; 8. Case 8: A shopping centre without a tenant; 9. Case 9: Breakdown of negotiations to build a house for a friend; 10. Case 10: Public bidding; 11. Case 11: A contract for the sale of a house which fails for lack of formality; 12. Case 12: Confidential design information given during negotiations; 13. Case 13: Misrepresentation or silence about a harvester's capacity; Part III: From the common law to the civil law: the experience of Israel Nili Cohen; Part IV. A Law and Economics Perspective on Precontractual Liability Eleonora Melato and Francesco Parisi; Part V. Conclusions John Cartwright and Martijn Hesselink.

John Cartwright, Martijn Hesselink, Nili Cohen, Eleonora Melato, Willibald Posch, Ole Lando, Matti Rudanko, Olivier Deshayes, Stephan Lorenz, Wolfgang Vogelsang, George Arnokouros, Raymond Friel, Alberto Musy, Lasse Simonsen, Luнs Menezes Laitгo, Hector MacQueen, Martin Hogg, Francisca Hernanz, Christina Ramberg, Johnny Herre, Peter Loser.

Precontractual.pdf [2.51 Мб]
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Последний раз редактировалось Cels 06 июн 2009 19:04, всего редактировалось 1 раз.

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: English law - scanned books
СообщениеДобавлено: 04 июн 2009 20:27 
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Зарегистрирован: 31 май 2007 22:27
Сообщ.: 1591
*The Law of Damages in International Sale of Goods
The CISG and other International Instruments
Djakhongir Saidov

Hart Publishing
September 2008
1841137421 /

The book aims to explore the remedy of damages in international sales transactions. Its focus is on the international contract law instruments such as the Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG), the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts, and the Principles of European Contract Law. The issues addressed in the book include: the basis for the right to claim damages, definition and purpose of damages, the idea of limiting damages, principles underlying the award of damages, classification of losses and heads of recoverable losses, causation, foreseeability, mitigation, standards of proving losses and methods of calculating and determining the amount of damages. The book draws on the experience of some major legal systems in dealing with contract damages as well as on the body of cases and scholarly writings on the international instruments. In doing so, the book attempts to provide a justification for the existing rules on damages, highlights the problems in their interpretation and application, and proposes solutions to the existing problems in the light of relevant policies and goals pursued by the international instruments. The work will be of interest to practitioners involved in international commercial transactions, scholars and students interested in international commercial and comparative contract law.

Djakhongir Saidov is a Lecturer in Commercial Law at the University of Birmingham. He holds a Law degree (Bakalavr) from the University of World Economy and Diplomacy (Uzbekistan), and an LLM and PhD from the University of East Anglia. Before joining the University of Birmingham he taught at UEA and also practised law in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

The Law of Damages in International Sale of Goods.pdf [1.53 Мб]
Скачиваний: 3437

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: English law - scanned books
СообщениеДобавлено: 06 июн 2009 15:16 
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LAWFIRM's MegaSuperStar
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Зарегистрирован: 14 фев 2008 09:07
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Cels, в очередной раз спасибо

'All hope abandon ye who enter here'

'Есть у Джек Тара яхта и пес,
Дом на Суматре и личный матрос' (c) БенПоэт и любитель пивка

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: English law - scanned books
СообщениеДобавлено: 06 июн 2009 19:02 
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Forum's God
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Зарегистрирован: 31 май 2007 22:27
Сообщ.: 1591
*Commercial Trusts in European Private Law
Cambridge University Press
Series: The Common Core of European Private Law
Edited by
Michele Graziadei
Universitа degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale Amedeo Avogadro
Ugo Mattei
Universitа degli Studi di Torino, Italy
Lionel Smith
McGill University, Montrйal

Page extent: 628 pages

In European legal systems, a variety of approaches to trust and relationships of trust meet the universal professionalisation of asset management services. This book explores that interface in order to seek a better understanding of the legal regulation of the entrustment of wealth. Within the methodology of the Common Core of European Private Law, the book sets out cases on the establishment and termination of management relationships, obligations of loyalty and of professionalism, and the choice of law. More specialized cases address collective investment, collective secured lending, pension funds, and securitisation. Reports on these cases from fifteen jurisdictions of the European Union tackle fundamental problems of trust law and show which legal techniques are deployed to solve them across Europe. In addition to a much-needed comparative treatment of the subject, the book discusses the scholarly setting for the issues and gives guidance on the terminology in the evolving European scene.

• Provides essential information about trust issues in all the EU Member States up to the new wave of accession to the EU in 2004, and maps the most recent EC developments in the field of financial services law • Contributes to a new understanding of trust law in several commercial contexts, and provides fresh commentary on the Hague Trusts Convention of 1985 • National reports provide answers to hypothetical cases that focus on practical issues

General editors' preface; Preface; Contributors to the volume; Contributors to the case studies; List of Abbreviations; Select bibliographies for jurisdictions represented; Part I. Setting the Scene: 1. Commercial Trusts in European Private Law: the Interest and Scope of the Enquiry; 2. A short note on terminology; 3. The Hague Trust Convention twenty years on; Part II. The Case Studies: Section 1. General Part: 4. Case 1: Creation and termination of the management relationship; powers of the manager; 5. Case 2: Investment duties; 6. Case 3: Conflict of interest; 7. Case 4: Basic insolvency situation; 8. Case 5: Insolvency of investment manager; 9. Case 6: Tracing; 10. Case 7: Choice of law; Section 2. Special Part: 11. Case 8: Pension funds; 12. Case 9: Collective investment schemes; 13. Case 10: Multiple debenture holders; 14. Case 11: Securitisation; Part III. Conclusions: 15. Some difficulties; 16. Comparative remarks on the general part; 17. Comparative remarks on the special part; 18. What's next?; Index.

Contributors to the volume: Benoit Allemeersch, Franзois Barriиre, Sergio Cбmara Lapuente, Merete Clausen, Antonio Gambaro, Cristina Gonzбlez Beilfuss, Georg Graf, Michele Graziadei, George Gretton, Stefan Grundmann, Torgny Hеstad, Monika Hinteregger, Steve Jacoby, Marielle Koppenol-Laforce, George Lekkas, Ugo Mattei, Niamh Moloney, Eoin O'Dell, Pedro Pais de Vasconcelos, Lionel Smith, Jarmo Tuomisto, Alain Verbeke, Christian Vogel, Donovan Waters, Manuela Weissenbacher Contributors to the case studies: Austria: Manuela Weissenbacher, Georg Graf, Monika Hinteregger; Belgium: Benoit Allemeersch, Alain Verbeke; Denmark: Merete Clausen; England and Wales: Lionel Smith; Finland: Jarmo Toumisto; France: Franзois Barriиre; Germany: Stefan Grundmann; Greece: George Lekkas; Ireland: Eoin O’Dell, Niamh Moloney; Italy: Antonio Gambaro, Michele Graziadei; Luxembourg: Steve Jacoby; The Netherlands: Marielle Koppenol-Laforce; Portugal: Pedro Pais de Vasconcelos; Scotland: George Gretton; Spain: Cristina Gonzбlez Beilfuss; Sergio Cбmara Lapuente; Sweden: Torgny Hеstad.

http://www.filesavr.com/matteicommercia ... atelaw2005

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: English law - scanned books
СообщениеДобавлено: 06 июн 2009 20:41 
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Forum's God
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Зарегистрирован: 19 янв 2007 11:23
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Keep on feeding law farm inhabitants, Cels! :wink:

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: English law - scanned books
СообщениеДобавлено: 06 июн 2009 21:35 
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Зарегистрирован: 31 май 2007 22:27
Сообщ.: 1591
*Comparative Law:

**German Law of Torts. A Comparative Treatise.
Basil S Markesinis and Hannes Unberath

Hart Publishing
June 2002
4th. edition
1114 pages
ISBN 1841132985 /

Since its first appearance in 1986 this book has won uniform praise from many of the world’s leading comparatists,has been acclaimed by senior judges and has been cited by the courts of many countries. This new edition of the work, substantially re-written and systematically up-dated, contains over 150 leading judgments, most translated in their entirety, along with references to over 2000 other decisions from Germany and the Common law world. While the book remains an ideal tool for teaching comparative torts and comparative methodology, the fact that it has been extensively rewritten and enlarged now also makes it an indispensable source of inspiration for those with a professional interest in tort litigation and tort reform.

Topics discussed include economic loss, psychiatric injury, wrongful birth, life and sterilisation cases, products liability, traffic accidents, accidents at work, environmental liability and compensation for personal injuries and death.

Sir Basil Markesinis,QC, LL.D. (Cantab.) DCL (Oxon) D. Iur h.c. (Ghent, Paris I (Sorbonne) and Munich), is Professor of Common and Civil Law at University College London and Jamail Regents Chair at the University of Texas at Austin. Hannes Unberath, D.Phil. (Oxon.), M.Jur. (Oxon.), is Professor of Law at the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena.

http://www.filesavr.com/germanlawoftort ... ise4ed2002

***The German Law of Contract. A Comparative Treatise.
Basil S. Markesinis, Hannes Unberath, Angus Johnston

Hart Publishing
February 2006
2nd. edition
1040 pages
ISBN 1841134724 /

Recently the contract section of the German Civil Code was amended after one hundred years of un-altered existence. The German Law of Contract, radically recast, enlarged, and re-written since its first edition, now details and explains for the first time these changes for the benefit of Anglophone lawyers. One hundred and twenty translated contract decisions also make this work a unique source-book for students, academics, and practitioners. Along with its companion volume, The German Law of Torts, the two volumes provide one of the fullest accounts of the German Law of Obligations available in the English language. Through its method of presentation of German law, the book represents an original contribution to the art of comparison. An additional feature of the Contract volume is the way in which it reveals the growing impact which European Directives are having upon the traditional, liberal, contract model, thereby bringing German and English law closer to each other, especially in the area of consumer protection.

Sir Basil Markesinis QC, LL.D. (Cantab.), DCL (Oxon.), FBA holds honorary doctorates from the Universities of Paris (Sorbonne), Munich, and Ghent and has been repeatedly decorated by the Presidents of France, Germany, Italy and Greece for his services to European law and integration.
Hannes Unberath, D.Phil. (Oxon.), M.Jur. (Oxon.), is Professor of Law at the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena.
Angus Johnston is University Lecturer in Law at the University of Cambridge and Director of Studies in Law at Trinity Hall, Cambridge.

http://www.filesavr.com/thegermanlawofc ... ise2ed2006

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СообщениеДобавлено: 06 июн 2009 23:26 
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ИЗ этого что нибудь нужно кому либо??

Accounting A Comparison Of Dividend, Cash Flow, And Earnings Approaches To Equity Valuation.rar
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Accounting - Wiley - Auditing Information Systems, 2nd Ed - 2003 - (By Laxxuss).rar
Accounting - Wiley Essentials Of Accounts Payable 2002-Fly (Business Ebook).pdf
Analyzing Internet Stocks - Cash Flow and the.pdf
Benjamin Graham - Security Analysis.zip
Benjamin Graham Value Report - Investing Newsletter (February 2005).pdf
Bragg, Steven - Accounting Best Practices 3rd Ed..pdf
Cash Flow Chart.PDF
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(ebook eng mp3) Peter Lynch - One Up On Wall Street.zip
(Ebook Eng Pdf) A Comparison Of Dividend, Cash Flow, And Earnings Approaches To Equity Valuation.pdf
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eCommerce eShop eBusiness.rar
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FIN 502 Corporate Finance & Financial Accounting Lecture Note 5 Real Options - Note 0204 (Robert Kimmel).pdf
[Finance -- Accounting] Financial Statements Analysis.pdf
Finance - Winning in the Cash Flow Business.rar
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Financial Accounting Book 2.pdf
Financial Accounting (McGraw-Hill).PDF
Financial Accounting Training Course(Sap) Fixed.zip
Financial literaturare about cash flow valuation by PF.pdf
Futures Magazine - The Art of Day-Trading.pdf
Guppy - Tutorials In Applied Technical Analysis.rar
Handbook of Budgeting and Accounting.pdf
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John Wiley & Sons - Accounting Best Practices - 3rd Ed - 2004(1).pdf
John Wiley & Sons - Managing Cash Flow. An Operational Focus.rar
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Lessons fromWarren Buffet.doc
Mcgraw Hill - Financial Accounting.pdf
Mcgraw-Hill - How To Think Like Benjamin Graham and Invest like Warren Buffett.pdf
Microsoft Press - Microsoft Excel Data Analysis and Business Modeling - 2004.chm
MS.Press. Microsoft.Excel .Data.Analysis.and.Business.Modeling.chm
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Robert Allen - Multiple Streams of Income 1-75 + bonus (pdf books + Creating Wealth - Full Album).zip
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Ruggiero, Murray A. --- Cybernetic Trading Strategies - Developing a Profitable Trading System with State-of-the-Art Technologies.pdf
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Wiley - Essentials Of Payroll Management And Accounting(1).pdf
Wiley - Managing Cash Flow An Operational Focus.chm
Winning In The Cash Flow Business.pdf

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СообщениеДобавлено: 06 июн 2009 23:28 
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Или вот это?

1. Adam Smith - An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations.txt
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17. Brock W., Lakonishok J., LeBaron B. - Simple Technical Trading Rules and the Stochastic Properties of Stock Returns (1992)(en).pdf
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40. Dacorogna M.M., Gencay R., Mueller U.A. - An Introduction to High-Frequency Finance (2001)(en).djvu
41. Damodaran A. Applied Corporate Finance 2nd.rar
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43. Day Traders Bible (Wyckoff Richard D.).pdf
44. Day Trading With Short Term Price Patterns and Opening Range Breakout by Toby Crabel.pdf
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46. Deans P.C. - E-commerce and M-commerce technologies (2005)(en).pdf
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51. Epping R.C. - The Beginner[ap]s Guide To The World Economy (1995)(2nd ed., rev. and updated)(en).pdf
52. Eriksson H.-E. Business Modeling with UML. Business Patterns at Work.pdf
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60. Fontanills G.A. - The Options Course[c] High Profit and Low Stress Trading Methods (2005)(2nd ed.)(en).pdf
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62. Frey R.S. - Successful Proposal Strategies For Small Businesses[c] Using Knowledge Management To Win Government, Private-Sector, And International Contracts (2005)(4-e)(en).pdf
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64. Grinblatt M., Titman S. - Financial Markets and Corporate Strategy (1997)(en).pdf
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69. Hanan M. - Consultative Selling[c] The Hanan Formula for High-Margin Sales at High Levels (2004)(7th ed.)(en).chm
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72. Hedges IV J.R. - Hedges on Hedge Funds (2005)(en).pdf
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74. Hit & Run 2 (Cooper Jeff).pdf
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77. Hull J.C. Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives.pdf
78. Introducton To Technical Analysis (Bernstein Jake).djvu
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97. Laramee F.D. - Secrets of the Game Business (2003)(en).chm
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130. Myers D.R., McWhorter P.J., Converse C. - Implications of Intelligent, Integrated Microsystems for Product Design and Development (2000)(en).pdf
131. Nassim Nicholas Taleb - Fooled by Randomness.doc
132. Nelson D., Moody P.E., Stegner J.R. - The incredible payback (2005)(en).pdf
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134. Newel M.W. - Preparing for the Project Management Professional (PMP) Certification Exam (2005)(3rd ed.)(en).pdf
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136. Niederhoffer V., Osborne M.F.M. - Market making and reversal on the stock exchange (1966)(en).pdf
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139. Olson R.L. - Handbook for Investment Committee Members[c] How to Make Prudent Investments for Your Organization (2005)(en).pdf
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141. Pritchard C.L. - The Project Management Communications Toolkit (2004)(en).pdf
142. Professionаl Stock Trading (Conway Mark R., Benle N. Aaron).djvu
143. Puig-Junoy J. - The Public Financing of Pharmaceuticals (2005)(en).pdf
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156. Schmidt A.B. - Quantitative Finance for Physicists [c] An Introduction (2004)(en).pdf
157. Schulte P. - Complex IT project management[c] 16 steps to success (2004)(en).chm
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211. Zemke S. - Data Mining for Prediction. Financial Series Case (2001)(en).pdf

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: English law - scanned books
СообщениеДобавлено: 07 июн 2009 00:22 
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Forum's God
Forum's God
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Зарегистрирован: 31 май 2007 22:27
Сообщ.: 1591
*Удивительно, но бОльшая часть из этого у меня есть, если не всё.
Собственно, по юриспруденции здесь ничего и нет.

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: English law - scanned books
СообщениеДобавлено: 08 июн 2009 17:57 
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Forum's God
Forum's God
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Зарегистрирован: 31 май 2007 22:27
Сообщ.: 1591
*International and U.S. IPO planning : a business strategy guide
Frederick D. Lipman
Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey.
ISBN 978-0-470-39087-0

1. Going public (Securities)–United States. 2. Corporations–United
States–Finance. 3. Going public (Securities) 4. Corporations–Finance.
I. Title.

Lipman. International and US IPO Planning [2009].pdf [2.01 Мб]
Скачиваний: 2036

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СообщениеДобавлено: 11 июн 2009 15:50 
Всем привет!

Если у кого-нибудь из вас есть доступ к KluwerArbitration, не могли бы вы выложить несколько книжек оттуда (можно и в личку):
Born - International Arbitration and Forum Selection Agreements 2006
Broches - Commentary on UNCITRAL Model Law 1990 (in ICCA Handbook - UNCITRAL)
Hanotiau - Complex Arbitrations 2006
ICCA Congress series (all issues)
International Arbitration in Switzerland
Arbitration in Germany

Заранее спасибо!

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: English law - scanned books
СообщениеДобавлено: 11 июн 2009 20:17 
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Forum's God
Forum's God
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Зарегистрирован: 09 янв 2009 17:05
Сообщ.: 2723
Вот для начала

Комментарий к файлу: Source: BOOK: International Commercial Arbitration, G.A. Born (2nd ed. 2001), pp. 1 - 52
Born.rar [1.12 Мб]
Скачиваний: 1199

Feel free to correct my Russian
Иль люстры нимб над ним светился? (c) Бен
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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: English law - scanned books
СообщениеДобавлено: 16 июн 2009 21:44 
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Зарегистрирован: 19 июн 2007 09:39
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Откуда: Москва
Коллеги, доброе время суток!

Прошу поделиться литературой по competition/antitrust law. Буду очень благодарен и могу, в свою очередь, поделиться имеющимися у меня книгами, журналами и статьями.
Можно в личку.

Заранее благодарю!

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: English law - scanned books
СообщениеДобавлено: 16 июн 2009 22:08 
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LAWFIRM's MegaSuperStar
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LegalIce писал(а):
Коллеги, доброе время суток!

Прошу поделиться литературой по competition/antitrust law. Буду очень благодарен и могу, в свою очередь, поделиться имеющимися у меня книгами, журналами и статьями.
Можно в личку.

Заранее благодарю!

начинайте делиться :)

а по антитрастам можно глянуть этот сайт http://www.globalcompetitionreview.com. Он правда в основном платный, но там есть Reviews и Surveys в открытом доступе

'All hope abandon ye who enter here'

'Есть у Джек Тара яхта и пес,
Дом на Суматре и личный матрос' (c) БенПоэт и любитель пивка

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: English law - scanned books
СообщениеДобавлено: 17 июн 2009 20:37 
[quote="common lawyer"]Вот для начала[/quote]
Спасибо, правда, этот Борн у меня есть=)
Мне особенно хотелось другую книгу Борна (Arbitration and Forum Agreements), Broches в ICCA Handbook и материалы ICCA Congress series)

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 Заголовок сообщения: Re: English law - scanned books
СообщениеДобавлено: 24 июн 2009 12:42 
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Forum's God
Forum's God
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Зарегистрирован: 09 янв 2009 17:05
Сообщ.: 2723

Оказалось, у меня нет доступа к KluwerArbitration...

Feel free to correct my Russian
Иль люстры нимб над ним светился? (c) Бен

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