Ну вот смотри, PLC дает такой пример
1.3 If the parties are unable to resolve a deadlock within [14] days from the date the deadlock matter is referred to the chairmen under clause [DEADLOCK: CHAIRMEN], then either party may within [28] days of the expiry of the [14] day period (the first day is the day after the day of expiry) serve a Deadlock Resolution Notice on the other.
1.4 The recipient of a Deadlock Resolution Notice may choose to do either of the following, by serving a counter-notice within [28] days of receiving the Deadlock Resolution Notice (the first day is the day after the day of receipt):
(a) sell all of its shares in the JVC to the server of the Deadlock Resolution Notice at the price for each share specified in the Deadlock Resolution Notice; or
(b) confirm that it wishes to buy all of the shares of the server of the Deadlock Resolution Notice at a [specified] higher price for each share than the price specified in the Deadlock Resolution Notice.
1.5 If no counter-notice is served within the [28] days available, the recipient of the Deadlock Resolution Notice is deemed to have accepted the offer in the Deadlock Resolution Notice at the expiry of that period.
1.6 If the recipient of the Deadlock Resolution Notice serves a counter-notice in accordance with clause 1.4(a), or is deemed to have accepted the offer under clause 1.5, then the parties shall be bound to buy and sell the shares (as the case may be) on the terms set out in clause [COMPLETION OF THE SALE AND PURCHASE OF SHARES IN THE JVC].
1.7 If the recipient of the Deadlock Resolution Notice serves a counter-notice in accordance with clause 1.4(b) then both parties shall within [14] days of the date on which such counter-notice is served (the first day is the day after the day of service) issue Sealed Bids (as defined in clause 1.11), to be received by [the senior partner of the JVC's auditors] (the Senior Partner). The Senior Partner shall be instructed not to open the Sealed Bids until the expiry of such [14] day period.
Т.е. насколько я понимаю, если Акционер Б не согласен продать свои акции Акционеру А по предложенной цене, а предлагает купить акции Акционера А за большую цену, то Акционер А уже не может допустим согласиться на это, а следут проводить аукцион, который и выявит победителя?
Ну а описанный первично мною способ выходит что не подпадает ни под одну схему.