Ну можно было погуглить хотя бы первая ссылка выдала, что вы оформили неправильно, но может вы видели вторую ссылку более свежую, которая говорила об обратном. Это 2009й:
Execution Requirements Section 64 specifies three requirements for a deed. Two elements apply whether the deed is executed by an individual or by a body corporate (such as a company) while the third element varies according to whether the deed is being executed by an individual or by a body corporate.
Common Requirements Every deed must be: • described at the top of the front page by a word such as “assignment”, “conveyance”, “charge”, “deed”, “indenture”, “lease”, “mortgage”, “surrender” or other heading that is appropriate to the relevant deed, or it must otherwise be made clear on the face of the deed that it is intended by the person/parties making it to be a deed (eg by expressing it to be executed or signed as a deed); and • delivered as a deed by the person executing it or by a person authorised to do so on that person’s behalf.
Additional Requirement: Bodies Corporate (including Companies) Section 64 is ambiguous in part but the following appears to be the correct interpretation: • In the case of a company incorporated in the State, the deed must also be executed under the seal of the company in accordance with its articles of association
Вообще основное правило: не зная правил не надо делать, или хотя бы перестрахуйтесь
_________________ 'All hope abandon ye who enter here'
'Есть у Джек Тара яхта и пес, Дом на Суматре и личный матрос' (c) БенПоэт и любитель пивка